
Sean's 40th Birthday Fundraiser

birthday fundraiser sean teis Aug 27, 2024

Hey guys! I regret to inform you that I am turning 40 a week from today. How in the world did this happen? I still feel like I'm 28.

Anyway, for my birthday, I would love nothing more than for you to give a one-time gift to our ministry in honor of my milestone birthday so that we can help lead more fatherless families to the Heavenly Father by spreading awareness, creating unique resources, speaking, partnering with local churches, and establishing local ministries!

We started this ministry when I was just 23 and are amazed at what God has done. We look excitedly at the future at what God is going to do!

I appreciate your consideration in giving to my birthday fundraiser! You can securely give through the form below!

-Sean Teis (The old man)

Who Are We?

Since 2008 we have been leading fatherless families to the Heavenly Father through spreading awareness, creating unique resources, speaking, partnering with local churches, and establishing local ministries.  

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