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Father’s Day is an incredible opportunity for Churches and Individual Christians to Minister to the #1 Social Issue in the United States: Fatherlessness!

Download A Short Video For Father's Day!

How Will You or Your Church Better Minister to the Fatherless Families This Father’s Day?

As Christians, let’s capitalize on this opportunity and lead these families to ultimate hope in their Heavenly Father!

“Children whose parents separate are significantly more likely to engage in early sexual activity, abuse drugs, and experience conduct and mood disorders. This effect is especially strong for children whose parents separated when they were five or younger.”
— Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 33 (1994)

Get Instant Access To This FREE Guide!

In this FREE guide, you will find 8 simple ideas and suggestions to help you better minister to the fatherless this Father's Day!

More Ways To Get Involved This Father's Day!

FREE Video for Your Church for Father's Day!

This is a shortened clip of our longer format Fatherless on Father's Day Pep Talk Video. 

Another church requested a short clip to play on Father's Day, and we wanted to make it available to everyone!

Download Short Video Now!

FREE Pep Talk Video & 3 Day Devotional Series for Fatherless Families!

On the Father’s Day page at you will find:

  • A 3 Day Fatherless on Father’s Day Devotional
  • A Fatherless on Father’s Day Pep Talk Video
  • AND Additional Resources to Encourage these Families regularly throughout the year!
Access These Resources!

Will You Give To Our Father's Day Offering?

Your Individual or Church’s God is my Dad Father’s Day Offering or One Time Gift will help put us on a firm foundation in fulfilling our mission of leading more fatherless families than ever to the Heavenly Father through Spreading More Awareness, Creating More NEW Unique Resources, Speaking More, Expanding our National Ministry through Partnering with MORE Local Churches Across the Nation, and Establishing Local Single Mom Support Groups. Will you help us?

Give Now!


Get Added To The Network Of God Is My Dad Churches And Ministries Map For Your County!

A similar map will be on to help fatherless families find churches and ministries in their local area that care about them!  It is time for us to let these families know that people around them care deeply about them! 

Join The Network!

Fatherless Families Need To Be Led To The Heavenly Father. This Is The Only True Hope They Have!

Join the network to help us in this mission!

Join The Network!

What Are People Saying?

Dr. Elmer Towns

“I am very impressed with what Sean Teis and Life Factors Ministries are doing to address this issue in our country. Their training is something every church should explore. I highly recommend having Sean come and speak on fatherlessness to your congregation, student body, or event.”

Pastor Kenny Baldwin

"I'm 100 percent in support of what you are doing at Life Factors."

Pastor Mark Batterson

"Sean Teis is circling broken homes - can't imagine anything closer to the heart of God"


Single Mom

“I was looking for a place of belongings after being disappointed numerous times. I have been praying and searching for true connections with single parents who share similar Godly values like myself but could not find anything that truly align with my walk with Christ until I came across "God is My Dad" platform on Facebook. At first I could not believe that there was actually such a group for people like me so I had to Google the location to ensure it was a real church. Funny right, but God had answered my prayers.”

Lady That Grew Up Fatherless

“God is my dad came at the perfect moment in my life. My father wasn’t always an active participant in my life. Alcohol, along with other things, kept him from being the man he was supposed to be. I didn’t realize how much of an impact not having a true connection with my father had on me. Through certain situations, God revealed to me that I was still unhealed, I still was hurt and hadn’t forgiven my own father. “God is my dad” has provided me a community where I can talk about topics like this, work through them, and be seen and heard."

Guy That Grew Up Fatherless

"I can truly say that if it were not for the selfless work that Sean and Jackie did in my life I would not have graduated high school, I would not have gone to college.  Through them I became a better person, a better Christian."

Add My Church or Ministry To The Network!


By signing up for the Network of God is my Dad Churches and Ministries it will help your church not ignore pure religion found in James 1:27, it will help fatherless individuals, single moms, and grandparents raising their grandchildren in your local church and community not feel ignored, and it will help your church be known in your area for ministering to and caring for fatherless families!



Questions?  We Have Answers!

We want to help your church or ministry with fatherless family ministry!  Please fill out this form with any questions, and we will get back to you ASAP!